“Ecosystem as an open innovation platform with inclusivity as key enabler”

The ambition of SPECTRA is to build methods, tools and ecosystem interventions that are capable of self-perpetuating collaboration and innovation, creating added-value, and provide an incentive for adaptive, resilient and sustainable ecosystems.

The expert panel discussion to be held on 21st August 16:30-17:30 CEST, virtually, co-organised by the SPECTRA partners Creative Business Network and Western Development Commission, will support learning of new and extended innovation skills to support development of creative industries ecosystems. Such frameworks are extremely important to enable an ongoing process, that self-perpetuates and renews in order to create a sustainable cycle with regular influx of new ideas based on open innovation, new investment, and increased participation of innovators, in particular underrepresented groups such as women innovators.

Panel discussion objectives aim to help stakeholders to:

  • Pin-point specific learnings from the though-leaders on inclusivity and diversity
  • Identify and examine best practice and key directions
  • Engage in intra-territorial learning and knowledge exchange, facilitating replication and new linkages
  • Identify examples for great inclusivity and open innovation methods for ecosystem development, to support advancement of innovation supports for creative industry sector and greater involvement of typically underrepresented groups and communities.


1. Mikkel Orlovski, Associated Partner, ConnectingCultures and Owner, Diversity HR Partner

Mikkel is a senior expert on Inclusivity and Diversity. Currently he is Principal Consultant and Associated Partner at ConnectingCultures and owner of Diversity HR Parner. He has more than 15 years of experience working with developing cultural intelligence in global teams and facilitating Diversity & Inclusion (D&I)/Unconscious Bias workshops.

Mikkel has a background in Intercultural Psychology, is CQ certified from the Cultural Intelligence Center, and primarily works with building Cultural Intelligence in teams and organisations as well as Diversity and Inclusion programs.

As a consultant, Mikkel often combines his knowledge on how to lead or collaborate effectively in diverse groups and across cultures, genders, professional backgrounds, ages and personality styles. He is certified and experienced in a variety of personality and developmental tests and tools.”

2. Martin B. Justesen, Senior Consultant at Kooperationen, Ex – Founder and Director of SundHub & CSE

Professional, committed developer of successful Innovation and Learning environments. Experience entrepreneurial eco-system builder, with 15+ years of experience in Business Development, Coaching and Matchmaking.

Currently he is Senior Consultant for Kooperationen, a new business model of startup incubation. In his past, he has run and started some of the most successful Danish student’s innovation and entrepreneurial hubs including Copenhagen School of Entrepreneurship as part of Copenhagen Business School, and SundHub as part of University of Copenhagen.

He is passionate about helping skilled, creative people solving problems, finding solutions, and starting new business.

3. Daiva Staneikaite Naldal, Strategic Advisor and Owner at DSTN Ventures, Ex – Director Lego Ideas and Open Innovation at LEGO, Expert at Creative Business Network

Experienced international marketing and innovation leader with 20+ year of professional career, working with international brands and startup ecosystems .

As former Director of Marketing & Open Innovation at the LEGO Group, she is behind the success of LEGO Ideas (ideas.lego.com) – the best-in-class crowdsourcing hub that integrates user-driven innovation into LEGO’s innovation pipeline, and facilitating meaningful engagement across the user-ecosystem.

Daiva comes with a track record of successfully developing and bringing to market new products and growing newbiz opportunities through unconventional innovation formats and partnerships– all the way from testing radical product concepts, piloting new business formulas and scaling these into sizable & sustainable global businesses.

Currently, Daiva runs her own consulting practice ( DSTN-ventures.com) , helping various companies to develop their own open innovation programs and business strategies. She is a business mentor, guest lecturer at selected universities, board member and advisor for several startups and accelerators, as well as a popular keynote speaker.


Jessica Fuller, Creative Industries Programme Manager, Atlantic Region of Innovation, Western Development Commission

Responsible for leading and delivering the CCSI cluster ambition in the Atlantic Region over the next five years. Led out on models to engage diverse entities across the CCSI and other industries to drive productive industry opportunity, enterprise development and job creation. A dynamic leader, with +25 years track record in senior management driving successful development and tangible impact in all spheres of the quadruple helix including Industry, Higher Education, Community and Government. Extensive experience working on a multi-lateral basis with government departments, state and EU agencies, tertiary education, regulatory bodies and private industry, and comprehensive knowledge of national and European policies, strategies and regulatory resource frameworks. Founder director of two creative enterprises, with direct experience of the complexities of establishing, operating and scaling self-sustaining creative enterprises with a global market focus. Diploma in Corporate Governance (UCD Smurfit) and a Masters in Cultural Policy (UDC). Regular contributor to public institutions policy and strategy debates/papers.

You can register for this event under the following link: “Ecosystem as an open innovation platform with inclusivity as key enabler” Tickets, Mon 21 Aug 2023 at 15:30 | Eventbrite