Stimulating Performance in Creative Territories and Regional Actors

Funded by the European Union

SPECTRA will initiate, develop, and maintain enhanced interconnected ecosystems around creative industries.

The interconnected ecosystems will be more inclusive/diverse, sustainable, adaptive, resilient, capable of growth and expansion enabling innovations to be transformed into measurable economic results, while helping partners solve common challenges and develop joint strategies.

SPECTRA Objectives


Engage in Capacity Building in Moderate and Emerging Innovator Regions to reduce the innovation gap in Europe.


Facilitate new methods, tools, systems and structures to enhance the orchestration of ecosystems, their growth potential and resilience.


Increase engagement with underrepresented stakeholder financiers/investors, engage them in capacity building and create additional opportunities for start-ups and SMEs to engage with them and each other.


Create gender-inclusive mindsets, ecosystems that are gender sensitive and ecosystems that are responsive to environmental, social and digital dimensions.


Engage in joint collaboration, communication, dissemination, initiatives and outreach to scale and maximise impacts.

The SPECTRA project will benefit:

Creative Industry and Public Sector Innovators

To learn, network, collaborate and access investment opportunities.

Scientific Community

To learn, network, collaborate and access investment opportunities.

Policy Makers

Find out about our policy recommendations.

Ecosystem Stakeholders

Helping Innovation Centres, Districts, Incubators & Accelerators, Digital Hubs, Sector Associations, Skillnets, Networks, Clusters, Chambers of Commerce to create new linkages.

European Regions

International Bodies & European Sectoral Associations, European Networks, Network of Regions to exchange knowledge and discuss replication.

Civic Society / General Public

Learn more about the creative sector and initiatives, help us cocreate!

News and Events

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